We have recently wrapped up our fall intern cohort in partnership with Upstream.
We had five amazing interns: four developers and one designer, who worked for 8 weeks to develop and design an app for an unreached people group in S. East Asia.
Before they finished this project, we asked them to share a little about their experience as part of the cohort. Here is one of the intern’s response:
1. What have you learned about Faith, Tech, and Missions during this cohort?
A key takeaway from this digital missions cohort is the necessity of collaboration. Undertaking a project single-handedly is arduous, and doing mission work solo is impossible. Throughout the cohort, God has reminded me that my strength alone is not enough. Thank God that we don’t do missions alone– we collaborate with Him and the body of Christ! Despite the cohort’s virtual nature, the technical and spiritual support I’ve received from mentors and co-interns has been encouraging and phenomenal, especially when I ran into challenges.
Additionally, as an Information Technology major, I’ve wondered how to serve God through work. Through this digital missions cohort, I found that there are many opportunities to use my skills for God’s kingdom! Faith, technology, and missions are complementary components that God can bring together for His glory. Converging my faith and vocation over the past two months has been uplifting to say the least. After my cohort ends, I plan to continue to seek new opportunities to engage in missions with God!
2. How might you encourage a friend to explore digital missions like this?
The harvest is plentiful, and the Lord of the harvest is calling us to engage in His mission with Him! What an honor that our great and loving God invites us to work with Him, and what a blessing to collaborate with brothers and sisters in Christ! Our mission field is wherever we are, and, with technology, we are not confined to our physical location to serve God and others.
Digital missions has opened a new avenue for us to worship God and share the Gospel with others, especially in a time when physical activity is limited. In response to our good God who has given us good news, let us glorify Him as we go and make disciples of all nations! You don’t have to be “ready” or “good enough” to go on missions. God is with you and will provide all you need, and I highly recommend digital missions as a way to go on mission with God and the body of Christ!
When I prayed before the start of my cohort, God brought to mind Romans 10:12-15. I pray that God’s Word will speak to you, too, as you walk with Him and share His love with others.
“12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”
Romans 10:12-15
Another of the interns shared these great insights about her experience:
“During this cohort, I learned a lot about how to use my design skills to serve a people group that is totally different than any user group I’ve been trained to design for.
The intentional way we had to ask, record, research, and learn the most effective ways to communicate the gospel to these people reminded me strongly of how intimately and specifically God meets His people in order to bring them to Christ.
This was a really special and unique opportunity to grow professionally and spiritually and I deeply appreciated it!”
We are so grateful for these interns and their commitment to this people group and project over the last few months. We have more reflections coming in Part 2 of this fall cohort. Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Apply now to join a Spring cohort!