Hi there! It’s been a few weeks since our last post, so welcome to our first-time readers! This is the first blog in a short series from each of our IDServe’s summer cohort members. WOO, praise the Lord that we have a summer cohort to hear from and that the group is well-underway as we head into week 4 of 8 weeks.
Who are you hearing from this time?

As the second cohort of IDServe, we are a group of 6 young Jesus-believers from coast to coast and we are joining hands, minds, and hearts! We have quite mirroring sentiments and excitement as those of the spring cohort so you can find the purpose behind our cohort in a previous introduction blog here. Our summer cohort continues to work with the Joshua Project. If you don’t know what it is, peek around the site! My personal introduction to the Joshua Project was its small logo stamped on a paper map hung up in a neighbor’s kitchen. . .and this was within the last year. The nature of my introduction to the Joshua Project may serve as a primer for what our cohort is doing over our 6-week journey.
What small beginnings are we up to?
Since its inception over 20 years ago, the Joshua Project team has compiled an extensive collection of data and guides to share how widely the gospel has been spread among different people groups across the globe and to invite each believer to join God’s plan. After much brainstorming and ideating, we are re-designing the Joshua Project’s website. As a cohort that aims to encourage young believers, we intend to ease the user experience and tidy up the breadth of the Joshua Project’s resources. First impressions are quite influential and we hope to showcase the great value that the Joshua Project provides, and we are praying that God will use these small beginnings for His great work.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (Zechariah 4:10)
Is my heart growing as my hands are working?
Movement is present everywhere.
In the seen. . .
A glowing sun, from rise to set to bring light for a new day and to give rest in its finish.
A flying honeybee, from flower to hive to collect pollen and nectar for feeding.
A traveling nomadic tribe, from old pasture to new pasture to seek out natural resources.
A rushing university student, from campus life in America’s largest city to remote learning in a suburb to escape COVID-19’s first onset.
In the unseen. . .
A blossoming organization, from generation to generation to bring in new leaders.
A cohort, from spring to summer to establish tradition.
A daughter, from an inkling of curiosity to dabbling here and there into her Father’s plan.
A piercing joyful truth, from heart to heart to transform humanity.
As I mentioned previously, we’re heading into week 4 and since time in this cohort is passing quickly, I couldn’t help but think about the role that this cohort plays in the bigger picture of my own knowing of God and relationship with Him. And ultimately, this cohort is one step forward. I’m moving forward, moving toward God.
Thankfully, during college, I was challenged and pushed in various circumstances to begin seeing that God is much bigger than the box of my personal dreams or my pursuit of securing comfort. Rather than reduce the significance of daily responsibilities of school and ambitions of career progression, I found that putting on kingdom-eyed glasses (do you know the phrase, “bird’s eye view?”) only magnified the power of those responsibilities – somehow, these meld into God’s greater purpose. These kingdom glasses point to worship of Jesus in every commitment, advancement of the gospel to every person, and building up the Church to be the messenger.
And yet, like any other pair of glasses, it’s a daily choice to put them on and move with them. My participation in the cohort is a step in my journey – steps to understanding how my heart, my interests, and my responsibilities can blend into God’s greater plan.
Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot – forward and toward.
I know that I am growing in this run – whether in more knowledge of where lost people groups are, whether in more heart inclination to pray for those who have never heard of Jesus, or whether in more hands-on work with my team.
Though, if I get ahead of myself, I mistakenly narrow my view and think that each outcome looks the same for every believer who wears kingdom-vision glasses – full-time missionary, drop career, move somewhere remote, and anywhere else my mind runs. Had I entertained this perspective when I joined the cohort…joining the cohort certainly would’ve seemed too daunting and I wouldn’t be writing this.
Instead, I run the race with endurance, which implies one, two, three steps and more (Hebrews 12:1)! As I run, I enjoy the process of knowing God, understanding His heart for the lost, and being mobilized to proclaim the gospel.
Even better, I run with 5 other cohort members and in the grander scheme, I run with you! Moving forward, moving toward God is a journey of great joy and excitement and adventure. Let’s run with a pep in our steps!
“Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” (Habukkuk 2:2)
How can you run with what the Lord has given you?