Frontier Markets Research Cohort
We launched a new cohort from December 2022 to February 2023 to help a missions organization understand the Business As Mission (BAM) landscape among Frontier People Groups.
Our online cohort consisted of 10 diverse students, representing several countries and majors, from business to theology. We gathered mentors and advisors with extensive experience in BAM from a variety of lenses – missions, entrepreneurship, and fund investment.
As the final product, we developed resources like a 100-pg. report, video, presentation, and website. The report was be shared with agency executives and leaders to support using BAM as a platform for God. We are in the final review phases so stay tuned when we share with you all soon!
Visit the website here:

Missions GO Week @ LeTourneau University
In January, Indigitous US participated in GO week, also known as Missions Emphasis Week, held at Le Tourneau University in Texas. The university focuses on reaching the world with the gospel and hosts like-minded speakers to spur on students. Students interacted with 30+ organizations, like us!
We shared a devotional and participated in a panel, both regarding missions + tech.
It was a joy to see student-led initiatives and encourage the new possibilities.