7/31/24: 💡 Innovation Summer Finale and Perspectives 50th Recap 🛬
🚀 Innovation Internship Final Presentations - Aug. 9
Our Summer 2024 Innovation Internship is coming to a close soon. We will be having our final presentation on Friday morning, August 9, 11am-12:30pm EDT. Please email Nick (nick@indigitous.org) if you’d like to join the presentation.
The 18 interns have collaborated within 5 cohorts working on the following projects:
Joshua Project: Web development for South Asia Peoples
Prescience Labs (Wycliffe Canada): Innovation Toolbox web resource
OMF: Web resource for theological education
God Tools: Social media content
Issues I Face (Indigitous Nigeria): Social media strategy
Each group has been working with their respective ministry partners and mentors to learn new skills in web development, innovation tools, social media content and design, and marketing.
We’ve also taken our interns through spiritual rhythms, studying the Bible together, and hearing from speakers in ministry and missions!
Thank you for your prayers for the interns as they spend these last couple weeks to finalize their prototypes and final presentations. 🙏🏻

🛬 Perspectives 50th Recap
From July 17-20, we participated in the Perspectives 50th Anniversary in Chicago, IL. We presented three workshops:
Harnessing the Power of Digital Media – 60 people total (presented twice)
Next Gen Leadership Development – 60 people
We also had an exhibit table to connect with other ministries, organizations, and individuals.
One of our key takeaways was the need to empower the next generation to use their creativity for God, especially those in Gen Z who feel disconnected from the current missions world. One young adult came to us looking for mentorship because he had not found one that understood him. He was looking for how God was calling him into ministry or missions. We hope Indigitous can be a space for people like this young adult to discover their unique missional calling. 🙏🏻

We also got to connect with Joshua Project, Pioneers, Switchboard, many friends on the Perspectives Team, and also one of our previous Indigitous interns!
👀 Looking forward
🎮 ReachConf – Sept. 6-7
We will be in Orlando, FL, tabling at ReachConf, a conference all about uniting creator communities and rewarding those who participated in Alpha groups to spread the gospel worldwide through social media platforms. We’ll be connecting with gamers and Christians embracing nerd culture! https://www.reachconf.org/ 🕹️
🌎 Missio Nexus – Sept. 11-13
Missio Nexus is hosting their annual mission leaders conference, “*Priority,” this September in Louisville, KY. We’ll be hosting a networking session with on innovation and connecting with ministry partners. 📹
🇰🇷 Lausanne Congress – Sept. 22-28
The Fourth Lausanne Congress is happening this September 22-28 in Seoul, South Korea. This landmark event is uniting over 10,000 men and women from diverse backgrounds to consider gaps and opportunities in global missions. We’ll be joining the Indigitous Global team to help with a Digital Discovery Center, content creation, and networking with missions leaders from around the world.
“The Fourth Lausanne Congress will be catalytic in advancing the Movement’s fourfold vision — the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.” https://congress.lausanne.org/ 🌏
💻 #HACK 2024 – October and November
Interested in joining the largest Christian, global hackathon? 👀
Join online or in person with people passionate about innovating and collaborating on new solutions to help take the gospel to new people, places, and spaces!
Our goal is to reach 2,000 people globally, including 80 cities in 40 countries. Learn more about hack at https://hack.indigitous.org and at our next info session: https://ndgt.us/hack2024-infosession 🙌🏻

During our Bible studies on “faith and work” with our interns, one passage we’ve read is:
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?” – James 2:14 NIV
This motivates us to put our faith into action, but not because of our own strength. What we do is made possible because Christ first showed us how to love and serve others.
Thanks for praying and journeying with us!
Indigitous US Team