6/18/24: 💡 Start of Innovation Summer and Reflections from EMDC 🇹🇭

🚀 Summer 2024 Innovation Internship Launched!

We’ve launched our Innovation Internship for the summer with 5 projects

  • Joshua Project: Web development for South Asia Peoples

  • Prescience Labs (Wycliffe Canada): Innovation Toolbox web resource

  • OMF: Web resource for theological education

  • God Tools: Social media content

  • Issues I Face (Indigitous Nigeria): Social media strategy

The summer internship started June 10 and runs until August 9, and we have 18 students from 13 schools:

  • ArtCenter College of Design

  • BIOLA University

  • California Baptist University

  • Columbia University

  • Grand Canyon University

  • Houston Christian University

  • New York University

  • Senac São Paulo, Brazil

  • Thomas Jefferson University

  • University of Maryland

  • University of Maryland College Park

  • University of Texas at Dallas

  • Queens College

We began our orientation the first week with grounding prayer work for each intern to prepare their hearts for the projects. We also gathered 12+ guests, previous mentors and volunteers, to join our call, including those who have worked for Pioneers, SIM, Coda, and DreamWorks.


Please pray for each of the interns as we dive deeper into spiritual formation, global missions learning, and active collaboration with our skills sets.

✈️ EMDC Recap

We’ve returned after an amazing trip to EMDC (Eurasia Media Distribution Consultation) in Thailand. It was our pleasure to lead the following:

  • Workshop 1: Mobilizing the Next Gen through Digital Cohorts

    • 100+ people attended

  • Workshop 2: Hack in a Box Design Sprint for Missions

    • 80+ people attended

  • Exhibiting

    • Shared about Indigitous and #HACK to 50+ people

  • Training Track 1: Ministry Innovation Intensive

    • 10 trainees and mentors

  • Training Track 2: Social Media

    • 20 trainees and mentors

We gathered 40+ people, Indigitous and new friends, at a local missionary’s boba tea shop to share and connect with the vision of using digital and collaboration for missions.

Our Indigitous US team also bonded by visiting the city, playing a one-off campaign of Dungeons and Dragons, creating social media content, and conducting a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) together.

Our key appreciations and lessons included:

  • In-person connection with Indigitous friends from 12+ countries

  • Bridge-building between younger and older missionaries using technology

  • God’s Great Commission embraces innovation without fear of failure!

Your prayers and support have been critical for our collaboration with media and tech practitioners in missions!


Also, we learned about three types of “conference crushes” from our executive team leader, Jonah. Come check out the video on our IG!

👀 Looking forward

🌍 Perspectives 50th Anniversary – July

From July 17-20, we will be at the Perspectives 50th Anniversary in Chicago, IL, to present two workshops and exhibit. Perspectives has been an instrumental course for many missionaries. The course highlights the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of global missions. Pray for our preparation and presentations. 🙏🏻

💻 #HACK is back – October and November

Interested in joining the largest Christian, global hackathon? 👀

Join online or in person with people passionate about innovating and collaborating on new solutions to help take the gospel to new people, places, and spaces!

Our goal is to reach 2,000 people globally, including 80 cities in 40 countries. Learn more about hack at https://hack.indigitous.org and at our next info session: https://ndgt.us/hack2024-infosession 🙌🏻

Returning from Thailand and starting our internship program has only been the start to a busy summer. We’re praying to remember to slow down intentionally for rest and strength that comes from God, attributing all the good we do to Him:


“Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” – Psalm 116: 7



Indigitous US Team