
Developing Next Gen Leaders
in Collaborative action

go digital. be missional.
use your marketplace skills
beyond the four church walls!

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What are we up to?

7/31/24:  💡 Innovation Summer Finale and Perspectives 50th Recap 🛬

7/31/24: 💡 Innovation Summer Finale and Perspectives 50th Recap 🛬

Our final presentation for our Summer Internship is on August 9! Catch up with us on…

6/18/24:  💡 Start of Innovation Summer and Reflections from EMDC 🇹🇭

6/18/24: 💡 Start of Innovation Summer and Reflections from EMDC 🇹🇭

18 interns across 13 universities taking on 5 challenges this summer!

5/14/24:  💡 Innovation Summer and EMDC 🇹🇭

5/14/24: 💡 Innovation Summer and EMDC 🇹🇭

A Message from Simon, Indigitous Co-Founder and more!

Our Digital Missions Cohort is an internship opportunity for young adults. As a college student or young professional, you will explore how to work for God’s global kingdom. We bring together your affinities and abilities to meet the challenges of missions.




Indigitous Serve is doing a terrific job challenging a new generation to use their tech skills to help advance the Lord’s Kingdom among unreached peoples.

Dan Scribner Ministry Partner | Joshua Project

I highly recommend that missions agency leaders take advantage of any upcoming Hackathon or other event hosted by Indigitous. My own categories were challenged, my vision was stretched, and I found collaborators for the road ahead.

Mike Latsko Ministry | Frontiers and Vision 5:9

I've been super encouraged to see the Indigitous Serve cohorts volunteering with their gifts in technology and design for the Kingdom. Excited to see what they work on next!

Matt Mentor, Summer '21 | Basil Tech

It was so great to see how their skills could be really valuable for missions. Indigitous Serve has brought so much life to our work!

Jaya Mentor, Fall '21 | Pioneers

Indigitous Serve was such a rare and unique opportunity where I felt that my gifts were valuable in serving the Kingdom of God. I genuinely began to wonder what other opportunities God has in store for these gifts, and that was thrilling to see.

John Cohort, Summer '21 | Caltech Alum

The cohort has introduced me to many enthusiastic and talented individuals across the country, many whom have had global experiences. Working with them has encouraged me to keep exploring the overlap of my abilities and God’s heart for everyone to know Him.

Greta Cohort, Summer '21 | NYU Alum

Indigitous Serve showed me the future of missions in the digital age! We work on projects remotely with people we've never met, yet the realm of digitalization does not change our unifying goal: to let more people encounter God.

Grace Cohort, Spring '21 | Gordon College

Inidigtious has been an innovative, exciting new way for our young people to combine their skills and passions with frontier missions work! As a pastor, I've been very encouraged to see how this synergy has helped grow their understanding and engagement into reaching the unreached.

David Pastor | CEFCLA